Draft Horse

Of workhorse.   May also be referred to as draught horse and dray horse.

Horse adapted for drawing heavy loads.

This concept's ID is @1~12476


  • Percheron 0 facts

    One of a breed of grey or black draft horses originally used in France to draw heavy coaches...

  • shire 0 facts

    British breed of large heavy draft horse.

  • pole horse 0 facts

    A draft horse harnessed alongside the shaft or pole of a vehicle.

  • wheel horse 0 facts

    A draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle.

  • coach horse 0 facts

    Strong draft horse for drawing coaches.

  • carthorse 0 facts

    Draft horse kept for pulling carts.

  • Clydesdale 0 facts

    Heavy feathered-legged breed of draft horse originally from Scotland.