
Of lepidopterous insect.

Diurnal insect typically having a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad colorful wings.

This concept's ID is @1~11832


  • pierid 1 facts

    Any of numerous pale-colored butterflies having three pairs of well-developed legs.

  • sulphur butterfly 0 facts

    Any of numerous yellow or orange butterflies.

Also contains

  • nymphalid 14 facts

    Medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and...

  • lycaenid 3 facts

    Any of various butterflies of the family Lycaenidae.

  • danaid 1 facts

    Large tropical butterfly with degenerate forelegs and an unpleasant taste.

  • ringlet 0 facts

    Any of various butterflies belonging to the family Satyridae.