
Of Formicidae and hymenopterous insect.   May also be referred to as emmet and pismire.

Social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers.

This concept's ID is @1~11509


  • pharaoh ant 0 facts

    Small red ant of warm regions; a common household pest.

  • little black ant 0 facts

    Tiny glossy black ant; nests outdoors but invades houses for food.

Also contains

  • slave-making ant 2 facts

    An ant that attacks colonies of other ant species and carries off the young to...

  • slave ant 1 facts

    Any of various ants captured as larvae and enslaved by another species.

  • wood ant 0 facts

    Reddish-brown European ant typically living in anthills in woodlands.

  • bulldog ant 0 facts

    Any of the large fierce Australian ants of the genus Myrmecia.

  • army ant 0 facts

    Tropical nomadic ant that preys mainly on other insects.

  • carpenter ant 0 facts

    Ant that nests in decaying wood in which it bores tunnels for depositing eggs.

  • fire ant 0 facts

    Omnivorous ant of tropical and subtropical America that can inflict a painful sting.