Domestic Cat

Of Felis, domestic animal, cat and clowder.   May also be referred to as Felis catus, Felis domesticus and house cat.

Any domesticated member of the genus Felis.

This concept's ID is @1~10941


  • tom 1 facts

    Male cat.

  • Siamese cat 1 facts

    A slender short-haired blue-eyed breed of cat having a pale coat with dark ears paws...

  • alley cat 0 facts

    A homeless cat.

  • tabby 0 facts

    Female cat.

  • tabby 0 facts

    A cat with a grey or tawny coat mottled with black.

  • tiger cat 0 facts

    A cat having a striped coat.

  • tortoiseshell 0 facts

    A cat having black and cream-colored and yellowish markings.

  • Persian cat 0 facts

    A long-haired breed of cat.

  • Angora 0 facts

    A long-haired breed of cat similar to the Persian cat.

  • Burmese cat 0 facts

    A short-haired breed with body similar to the Siamese cat but having a solid dark brown...

  • Egyptian cat 0 facts

    A domestic cat of Egypt.

  • Maltese 0 facts

    A term applied indiscriminately in the United States to any short-haired bluish-grey ca...

  • Abyssinian 0 facts

    A small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish...

  • Manx 0 facts

    A short-haired tailless breed of cat believed to originate on the Isle of Man.

  • kitty 0 facts

    Informal terms referring to a domestic cat.

  • mouser 0 facts

    A cat proficient at mousing.