
Of Scolopacidae and shorebird.

Any of numerous usually small wading birds having a slender bill and piping call; closely related to the plovers.

This concept's ID is @1~10366


  • yellowlegs 2 facts

    Either of two North American shorebird with yellow legs.

  • greenshank 0 facts

    Large European sandpiper with greenish legs.

  • redshank 0 facts

    A common Old World wading bird with long red legs.


  • pectoral sandpiper 0 facts

    American sandpiper that inflates its chest when courting.

  • knot 0 facts

    A sandpiper that breeds in the Arctic and winters in the southern hemisphere.

  • curlew sandpiper 0 facts

    Old World sandpiper with a curved bill like a curlew.



  • stint 0 facts

    Smallest American sandpiper.

  • red-backed sandpiper 0 facts

    Small common sandpiper that breeds in northern or Arctic regions and winters...

Also contains

  • tattler 2 facts

    Any of several long-legged shorebirds having a loud whistling cry.

  • ruff 1 facts

    Common Eurasian sandpiper; the male has an erectile neck ruff in breeding season.

  • sanderling 0 facts

    Small sandpiper that breeds in the Arctic and migrates southward along sandy coasts in...

  • upland sandpiper 0 facts

    Large plover-like sandpiper of North American fields and uplands.